UPDATE 1/11/20 – Dental service provision moving from RED to AMBER in Wales, with an increase in the range of emergency services available as we are now able to offer aerosol generating procedures. Routine dentistry still unavailable.
PLEASE NOTE – dentists in WALES must adhere to Welsh specific guidelines.
We have been advised by the Welsh Chief Dental Officer and WAG to adhere to their planned, phased return of routine dental services with dentists now being able to broaden the range of emergencies we can see and treat. We have moved from our previous stricter RED phase to our current AMBER phase as the UK alert level has been moved to level 3. (Routine dentistry will be available when we move to the GREEN phase which is when the UK alert level is at level 1 or 2 – we have been advised that this could be from January 2021 although timescales may vary according to national and local disease level).
We will continue to keep you fully informed of any updates as and when we receive them.
In the meantime, if you need any advice, or if you are experiencing pain, swelling or bleeding, please call us on 01792 873483 and we will do our best to help you.