November 1, 2020UPDATE 1/11/20 – Dental service provision moving from RED to AMBER in Wales, with an increase in the range of emergency services available as we are now able to offer aerosol generating procedures. Routine dentistry still unavailable. PLEASE NOTE – dentists in WALES must adhere to Welsh specific guidelines. We...
5/10/15- Phone Lines Down
October 5, 2015Unfortunately the phone lines have been down today. We now have one line coming into the practice, however there is no facility to leave a voicemail and there is a high volume of calls coming through at the moment. The problem is due to be resolved by tomorrow afternoon. We’re...
British Dental Association Annual Conference in Manchester- May 2015
September 16, 2015Our specialist at West Coast Dental Care, Matthew Thomas, was recently invited to give a lecture at the British Dental Association Annual Conference in Manchester in May. This is one of the largest national dental conferences in the UK. His lecture outlined the use of dental implants to solve a variety...
June 2015- Euro-Perio Conference
August 10, 2015Our two Implant surgeons, Lisa and Matthew, attended an international conference on Implants and Gum Disease. They joined over 8000 other dentists from approximately 100 countries in London to learn about modern techniques....
October 6, 2014This month we are encouraging our patients to stop smoking for 28 days and join in Stoptober 2014. Stoptober is a national campaign which provides a great opportunity for thousands of smokers to quit smoking together for 28 days in October. Stopping smoking for 28 days means that you’re five...
Online Booking
March 18, 2014Now you can book your check up appointment online! Free, easy access to our new online booking system means you can book your appointments anytime, anywhere. This is an exclusive online system, accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To register for this service please provide reception with...
West Coast Dental Care now has it’s very own Twitter page. Here you can find regular updates about the practice as well as oral health advice and competitions. Its easy to follow us, simply go to and search @WestCoast326. Don’t forget we also have Facebook and you can find...
Movember 2013
January 15, 2014Last year our two male dentists, Martyn and Will reached the end of Movember! For the entire month of November, these selfless and generous men known as Mo Bros, effectively become walking, talking billboards for 30 days. Through their growing efforts they increased awareness for the often ignored issues of...
Phone Lines Down- Friday 11th October
October 7, 2013On Friday the 11th October you will not be able to contact the surgery via phone call. This is due to our new phone system being installed. If you have a dental emergency please come down to the surgery to speak to our reception team. If you need advice related...
The heatwave continues!
July 19, 2013We are loving the recent heatwave at West Coast Dental and Swansea is a great place to be to enjoy the best of the British summer. Don’t forget we can brighten your smile for summer!...

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